If at first you don’t succeed – try, try again.

(I promise I won’t keep posting about smoothies every day!)

This morning was attempt #3 at a Green Monster.  I took pictures of the entire process – mainly because I’d like to start adding more photos to my blog but I’m always forgetting to actually take any – and what do you know? This smoothie is the best one yet. Not that I’m attributing it all to the photos, but I have a sneaking suspicion that helped in some way.

Laying everything else - ready to start

I started by getting everything out and onto the countertop. I was toying with the idea of adding frozen peas. I’m not sure why. They aren’t “leafy greens” – but they are veggies. And they’re cold. I nixed them for frozen berries, though.

Spinach & bok choy

Taking Cammy‘s advice, I tossed the spinach (and baby bok choy – fancy!) into my food processor with a splash or water and started blending away, occasionally scraping down the sides. I left this running as I ran around the apartment getting ready for the day.

Mmmm - healthy!

After a few minutes – and a little foam – I was content that there were no more little spinach bits left. Blending all the greens with a little water before adding anything else is definitely the key. It was silky smooth and completely green-bit-free. Yes!

The last step.

When I was happy with the consistency of the greens, I tossed in the rest of my smoothie ingredients: frozen banana, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and some ice cubes. I added a little more water to thin it out a bit, as well. And since the greens were already set, I only had to blend this enough to break up the fruits – minimizing any potential extra foam.

Ta da! All done.

(You can still see a little bit of the leftover greens on the side).

I can say this is definitely far and away the best of the 3 smoothies. No little green bits. Minimal foam. And very, very yummy. I think the ice cubes are important, too. They keep the smoothie colder for longer AND if there were any little bits of greens or fruits, they blended in with the bits of ice and I wasn’t bothered by them.

So, there you have it. My “best yet” smoothie – with photos!

And while those of you back up in the northern hemisphere are chatting about the cooler weather, shortening days and coming of fall, here in the southern hemisphere we’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of summer. The clocks spring forward this weekend and even with the crazy storm, you can tell summer is on its way. And I can’t wait!

For those of you who have just been through summer – do you have any advice? Is there something that you wish you would’ve done this summer? Or something you wish you would’ve known when summer first started? In-season fruits and veggies you should’ve taken advantage of? Workouts that take advantage of the nice weather? Recipes that helped you make it through the hottest months without consuming tubs and tubs of ice cream?

If you could do summer again – what would you do?


Filed under Diet, Photos, Recipes

10 responses to “If at first you don’t succeed – try, try again.

  1. I’m just not sure I can get into that drink! Yep, I’d do some stuff over this summer. Eat better, not binge. Sigh.

    • It’s actually really good. You don’t taste the greens at all! I’ve read if you keep the ratio 60:40 (fruits:veg) it’ll always taste good.
      I guess looking back on things there is always something we wish we did differently. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get through this summer with minimal regrets. *fingers crossed!*

  2. Redo summer? Not this one. It was horrible. But if … I would have started counting calories earlier. I would have changed where I planted my garden. I would have unpacked boxes from our move when I had insomnia instead of just laying there.

    Vee at http://veegettinghealthy.blogspot.com

    • Those all seem like reasonable little changes!
      I wonder if I should go back to calorie counting/tracking. I’ve completely fallen off the wagon there after only really being semi on it for a few weeks. Hmmm.

  3. Yaay for smoothie success!

    No summer regrets here. All things considered (meaning brutal heat and humidity), it was a pretty good summer.

  4. blending the spinach first: why did i think of that??? 🙂

    yes, i am definitely looking forward to summer! i think we’re seriously planning a trip to NZ for november. the husband really wants to see Queenstown, and i really want to see Marlborough, but i’m not much into driving long distances SO…..any advice?? haha…i don’t think there’s any getting around it, unless we want to pay for additional flights (not.)

    • Genius, right?
      Oooh, November should be nice here. And, hey, the NZ dollar is on a low against the AUD so now’s the time! 😉 As for getting around – depending on how long you’re coming for, driving is definitely do-able since you’re keeping to the south island. That said, also keep an eye on flight deals on http://www.grabaseat.co.nz. There are often some for $50 or so from Queenstown to Christchurch and so on. Not cheap cheap, but sometimes about the same as driving when you factor rental and gas prices! Jetstar has sales on Fridays, as well, usually from 4-8pm. “Friday Frenzy!” or something like that.

  5. Jos

    I’d love to try making my own green monster after my current cheap blender broke down to give me an excuse getting a much stronger blender/food processor. I am not quite a big fan of summer so I’m welcoming the cooler weather here 😀

    As for summer workout, any outdoor activities like morning run or hike should be good. Or if you like to be in the water, swimming is a good exercise as well. I can’t swim so no swimming for me..haha.

    Summer fruits: strawberries, peaches, pluots to name a few. Btw, how are kiwis in NZ??? I love kiwis and so darn expensive here.

    • I’m looking forward to hiking. I’ve never really done it, but also never really had many places I could hike. NZ has some great trails so I’m hoping Andrew and I can start going for hikes on weekends once it’s a little nicer. Swimming and surfing (or trying to surf! lol) are on the agenda, too. So much fun and a great way to exercise outside while staying cool in the summer heat.

      Kiwis in NZ are great – and cheap! Though it’s a trade because things like peaches, nectarines and cantaloupe are all quite expensive here.

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